
It’s been said about the Conference:

"It's been a great pleasure attending the Inter-American Conference of Mayors. It's a very enriching and interesting experience, even more so because of the attendance by so many people from different countries. The experiences discussed were all relevant. We want to thank you also for the great experience we personally had in that beautiful County".
Hon. Armida Villela de Lopez Contreras, Former Vice President of Honduras

"...The important contribution and the efforts made by your organization…significantly enriched the Summit Process and increased hemispheric cooperation with regard to the goals of the Fourth Summit of the Americas including job creation, democratic governance, citizen participation, and the promotion of human rights".
Mr. Luis Alberto Rodriguez, Former Director, Summit of the Americas Secretariat, Organization of American States

"...this (The Inter-American Conference of Mayors) venue, is an open space of discussion and analytical reflection that benefits all the local governments of Latin America… and it has become a central point of reference for all of us..."
Hon. Enrique Riera Escudero, Former Mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay

"I consider forums like this one as an incredible opportunity to share with different people very diverse experiences...The possibility of discussing initiatives with representatives from other cities is an invaluable opportunity...I am convinced that the Conferences is the ideal scenario for the discussion of themes related to the strengthening of democracy, local development and decentralization".
Hon. Sergio Fajardo Valderrama, Former Mayor of Medellin, Colombia

"...the Mayors conference is a unique venue, in that it brings together local officials from throughout the region, permitting them to interact and exchange information with their colleagues, identify and work together on common challenges and improve their own knowledge and skills…the conference is a valuable tool for building and strengthening capacity in the Americas for more effective local governance."
Ms. Elizabeth Spehar, Former Director of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy at the Organization of American States