XV Inter-American Conference of Mayors and Local Authorities

Present Your Best Practices at the XV Inter-American Conference of Mayors and Local Authorities
Miami, Fla.
Hotel Hilton, Biscayne Bay
June 8-11, 2009

If your municipality has implemented or is currently implementing an innovative practice for the benefit of your community, please let us know, and you will be given the opportunity to present the work to other mayors and local authorities throughout in the region. Simply submit a brief summary of no more than 3 pages (double space, font size 12, please—more than that will not be considered. No tables, charts or annexes) explaining the type of project, the difficulties and successes of its implementation as well as clearly stating the benefits to your community. Send by e-mail no later than May 23, 2009 to lagierc@fiu.edu. The Organizing Committee will select the four best practices to be presented in a special plenary session called “best practices” at the Conference.